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Jobs for the ASP

Audience Choice - Can you make up stories with just a topic sentence?  You’ll go around After School and ask for story ideas from your peers.  Then, you’ll write up a story based on their idea.


Author – Can you write original literary works? We are looking for someone who has the knack to entertain people through their words, wit and wisdom.


Book Reviewer – Have you read a good book lately?  Do you think everyone should know about it? We need someone to tell the world about the most entertaining books.


Cartoonist/Illustrator – Can you draw anything? We need someone who can illustrate for our paper. Your responsibilities will include drawing step-by-step tutorials for other students, illustrate for the authors and make interesting artwork. You’ll also be responsible for creating comic strips in each paper.


Comedian – Can you make up great jokes or tell funny stories? Your responsibilities will include finding the best jokes for students and publishing them.


Interviewer – We need someone to interview students, teachers and staff members around USN.  Create surveys and write about what’s hot!


Photographer – Have a lens for an eye? We need someone to take action photos of what’s going on during After School.


Puzzle Maker – Your responsibilities include creating crosswords, word finds, analogies, hidden messages and mazes.  Create puzzles that are hard, but not too hard!


Sports Writer – Love to watch and play sports? Your responsibilities will include to write about sports that kids love to play in After School and about sports that kids love to watch.


Technologist – Do you have the ability to find great iPad apps and excellent websites?  Tell the After School students what websites and apps to explore.


TV Show/Movie Critic - Are you a fan of the cinema?  Tell the readers of the After School Post what movies to watch on Friday nights and what TV shows are worth tuning in to watch.


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